
division for ecosoc support and policy coordination معنى

  • شعبة دعم المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي والتنسيق
  • division    n. تقسيم, حاجز, قس ...
  • for    conj. لأجل, عوضا ع ...
  • ecosoc    قالب:المجلس الاقتص ...
  • support    n. مساعد, مساعدة, ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • policy    n. حكمة, سياسة, ال ...
  • coordination    n. تنسيق, تناسق, ت ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. division for economic and social council support and coordination معنى
  2. division for economic and social development and natural resources management معنى
  3. division for economic and social information معنى
  4. division for economic cooperation among developing countries معنى
  5. division for economic cooperation among developing countries and special programmes معنى
  6. division for environment management and social development معنى
  7. division for europe and the commonwealth of independent states معنى
  8. division for field operational and external support activities معنى
  9. division for finance and administration معنى
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